Stress Proof your life. Kill Stress before it kills you.

Stress triggers hormones such as cortisol which over time damage our brains and hearts and weakens our immunity. 

There is not a single one of us who has not faced stress and anger at some point in our life.
If you are someone who gets stressed all the time with recurrent bills, weather, insane traffic, nagging spouses and so on, then Stop !

  • Cut down sugars, heavy food and tea/coffee before sleeping since a sound sleep is your coping mechanism for dealing with stress. 
  • Drink warm milk, do aromatherapy, anything for minimum 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
  • Train your brain and learn to smile more often. Did you laugh today?
  • Exercise to release your stress hormones. Have a great workout. If a gym bores you and you prefer outdoors, go for a swim, jogging, cycling or even walking.

Every problem has a solution. Vent out your anger or speak to the person concerned but do not crib and sulk in your heart and let stress poison you bit by bit.

Do deep breathing, meditate, listen to soothing chants or relaxing music for some time every day to help you focus better.

Cut down smoking, alcohol, junk food and fries gradually and eat healthier wholegrains, natural and superfoods to nourish your brain and help you cope better.

Keep a stress journal and note down times and events which stress you out. Take control of your environment!
