Do you believe in life after death?

Though science has admitted that some near death experiences (NDE) and out of body experiences (OBE) can be explained scientifically since the human mind is detached from the physical body, trauma can create hallucinations and a dream like state where people visualise meeting relatives and a blinding white light...there are still questions unanswered.

There are 14 stages of existence in the universe with our earthly life being in the centre.There are 7 stages of heaven above this and 7 stages of hell below this.

 I was watching a medical science program on TV the other day, where a person suffered a cardiac arrest, but was revived after a few agonising minutes. Later the cardiac patient went on to talk about facing an after-death experience where she saw a white light.  

There are cases of 4 year old children who suddenly start talking in foreign languages from a past life....or teenagers who remember parents and happenings from another life.

Whether you make it to hell or heaven depends on your karma or what good or evil you do in your mortal life.

Your physical body stays back on earth after death and your soul or spiritual self (comprising Sattva, Raja and Tama) travels into the infinite universe to be reincarnated in another form .

Do you believe in Reincarnation or Heaven or Hell?
