Are you Phobic? Some common and not so common Phobias.

Phobia is taken from the Greek word meaning fear. As kids we all have anxieties about things which outgrow themselves over time. But there are some phobias that carry on to our adult lives.

1) Pentheraphobia:
is a fear of your own’s actually a phobia.

2) Papa phobia:
is a genuine fear of the pope.

3) Geno phobia:
is a fear of this can be a problem.

4) Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia:
is ....yes you guessed it....fear of long words.

is when a person is scared to bathe or wash....eeks.

is living in constant fear of scary.

is fear of intimacy and love....the person runs away from relationships.

Infants and toddlers get anxious about being separated from their parents. They are scared of loud noises and strangers which is understandable. 

Older children in their preschool years are terrified of the dark, sleeping alone, thunder and ghosts. 

When children enter their teens, they harbor phobias about their school teachers, friends or class performance. 

Those that do not hamper general life can be handled with ease. But some Phobias might require professional help.
